COSPAR report 2018-2020: Space Research in Switzerland
The Swiss space research community is very active and a reliable partner in space research activities. On the occasion of the 43rd COSPAR Assembly in Sydney, Australia, the Swiss National Committee on Space Research takes this opportunity to report on its activities to the international community.
Source: N Thomas, S Nyeki (2020) Space Research in Switzerland 2018 – 2020 Swiss Academies Communications 15 (10)
Swiss Academies Communications
- MINT Schweiz – Einblick in geförderte Projekte 2021–2024
- Konzept Nationales Forschungsprogramm Klima 2024 plus
- COSPAR report 2022-2024: Space Research in Switzerland
- Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien biodiversitäts- und landschaftsverträglich planen
- Neue Züchtungstechnologien: Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Pflanzenforschung
- MINT Schweiz
- MINT Schweiz Digitale Transformation
- Science Advice Network
- COSPAR report 2020-2022: Space Research in Switzerland
- Climate effect and CO2 equivalent emissions of short-lived substances
- Trendwende Klima und Biodiversität
- Transdisciplinary research partnerships with business and civil society in the North-South context
- Covid-19 – Science and Society
- The impact of emissions from aviation on the climate
- Handbook on natural history collections management
- A Short History of the KFPE 1994–2019
- Forschung für gesellschaftliche Innovationen an Fachhochschulen
- COSPAR report 2018-2020: Space Research in Switzerland
- Kleiner Staat, grosse Unternehmen: Die Schweiz in der Ordnung der Globalisierung
- Guidelines to Conflict Sensitive Research
- Instrumente für eine wirksame und effiziente Klima- und Energiepolitik
- Large Astronomical Facilities: Their Fundamental Importance for Swiss Astronomers
- Ausserschulische MINT-Angebote in der Schweiz
- Forschung stärkt Vernetzung der Schweizer Pärke
- Weighing of interests for proposed animal experiments
- Abschlussbericht Sustainable Development at Universities Programme
- Gesundheitliche Aspekte der Schweizerischen Energiestrategie 2050
- From Little Science to Big Science
- Einschätzung der Karrieresituation von Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen in der Schweiz
COSPAR reports
- COSPAR report 2022-2024: Space Research in Switzerland
- COSPAR report 2020-2022: Space Research in Switzerland
- COSPAR report 2018-2020: Space Research in Switzerland
- COSPAR Report 2016-2018: Space Research in Switzerland
- COSPAR Report 2014-2016: Space Research in Switzerland
- COSPAR report 2012 - 2014: Space Research in Switzerland