The killing ability of T CD8+ OT-1 cells transduced in order to express an invariant receptor (CAR-L363 receptor) capable of identifying the invariant CD1d+α-GalCer complex seems to increase.
This maturity work has been expanded upon the Nina Dumauthioz’s Master work, under development at the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and under the supervision of Prof. Pedro Romero and Dr. Alena Donda.
The iNKT cells have the habit of recognizing this complex with their TCR, which have a lower variability. H-2Kb/OVA cytotoxic CD8+ T cells (OT-1) were transduced to express an invariant receptor called CAR-L363 capable of recognizing the complex of CD1d+α- GalCer expressed in particular by Antigen Presenting Cells (APC). The aim was to increase the crosstalk between T cells and APCs which would potentially lead to a stronger antigen priming. This innovative approach of cancer immunotherapy would offer a dual activation of the T cells via the tumor-specific TCR and via the interaction with CD1d, which might be additive or even synergize.
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